meeting industry e covid-19 eventi aziendali dal vivo

The Meeting Industry and Covid-19: relationships are possible

How can Meeting Industry and Covid-19 coexist? Here is how live business events can respond to the need of security.

The relationship between Meeting Industry and Covid-19 is getting complicated. As a result of the pandemic we are currently going through, the world of events is changing a lot, bringing even the most inexperienced, to juggle into the intricate world of virtual.

The digital age has entered dominantly in the field of events, profoundly changing their nature.

How? Thanks to the use of multiple virtual platforms to allow the organization of conferences, events, business meetings together with the replacement of live ECMS and courses in each sector with distance training.

Meeting Industry and Covid-19: Some Considerations

We certainly recognize the importance of all interesting solutions that the digital age provides and that we are aware of. In this period of emergency and social networks, virtual reality is a valid substitute that allows to keep alive relationships in every sector, including the Meeting Industry.

However, we believe that digital solutions can greatly facilitate our existence, but on the other hand they are causing the sterilization of social relationships stealing their true essence in exchange of comfort and safety.

Surely the virtual age will leave in every sector, including MICE, a remarkable footprint that will be doomed to wane starting with a slow return to normality.

The deep soul of each individual is the live meeting, the sharing, the relationship. The human being is a serial accumulator of memories and emotions that, brick by brick, build his experience, conditioning and giving vitality to his daily life.

Social need is inherent in the human being, and cannot be shied away except for a short period of time. That is why, speaking of Meeting Industry and Covid-19 we must not resign ourselves to virtual events but hope and wait for a gradual return to live meetings.

Live corporate events at Covid-19time: The “manual” of Federcongress&Events

A new approach to live events can only be met by adopting the appropriate sanitation measures to guarantee the public security and protection.

FEDERCONGRESSI&EVENTI proposed its self-regulation with a very detailed list of points to explain how it might be possible to carry out conferences, meetings and events protecting all participants from biological risk.

Italian governance adopted this manual to define the DCPM OF 15TH June, which should finalize the necessary guidelines to allow the event sector starting again in a short time, hopefully by mid of July.

We are aware that after the restart of the Meeting Industry, virtual and real events still coexist, but what is essential for now is to be able to start again with live events.

Carefully verify the feasibility of each business event

Before starting to plan each event it will be essential to confront the professionals of mice so to consider the feasibility of the live event depending on the city chosen, the safety of the hotel facilities and the locations, furthermore it will be necessary to calculate risks and benefits of the event to get it as a successful business goal.

This is the reason why the collaboration with a professional team is the first step to organize an event, the common practice of “do-it-by-yourself” is no more productive in terms of time, energy and money as the list of healthy rules involved in addition to the planning of how to get them suitable for each partecipant is an hard work that only professional event managers are prepared to face to.

Meeting Industry and Covid-19: the importance of relying on qualified event managers

Relying on industry professionals has always been the secret of a successful event.

Nowadays this is even more important. Choosing Event Managers trained on all organizational aspects related to biological risks during an event, will be crucial if you want to offer the possibility to organize a live meeting in respect of public safety.

Event Managers, will also be able to direct their customers to reliable hotels and locations thanks to their know-how, offering insurance package able to cover the sanitary costs that might be occurred during the event.

Infine, un’ultima riflessione.

In addition to protocols and professionality, what is essential to allow people meeting together is the individual’s compliance according to the sanitary rules and correct behaviors to be maintained so that it could be a successful, enjoying and safe event.

One thing is sure: talking about Meeting Industry and Covid-19, no matter if it will be a virtual or real event, Gaya will be at your side!